208 The server you are connected to is using a security certificatethat does not match its Internet address.
209 The server you are connected to is using a security certificatewhich has expired or is not yet valid.
210 The server you are connected to is using a security certificatethat could not be verified.
211 Internet Security Warning
212 Do you want to continue using this server?
213 The connection was unexpectedly terminated by the news server.Please try again.If this persists, contact your LAN administrator or Internet provider.
300 Account
301 Connection
302 LAN
303 Dial-Up: %s
304 Manual
305 Are you sure you want to delete the '%s' Account?
306 Internet Accounts
307 Unable to set as the default account for sending mail. The account does not have an Outgoing (SMTP) Mail Server configured.
308 Please choose which Dial-Up Networking connection should be used with this server.
309 I use a &modem to access my e-mail
310 Please specify the type of connection you use for e-mail.
311 A connection cannot be added at this time because Dial-Up Networking is not installed. You must either install Dial-Up Networking or choose the LAN or manual connection method.
312 To install Dialup Networking, use the Add/Remove Programs control panel.
314 Mail Account Properties
315 News Account Properties
316 Directory Service Account Properties
318 You must enter a server name before you can continue.
319 Please enter your name.
320 Please enter a valid SMTP server.
321 Please enter a valid POP3 server.
322 Please enter a valid IMAP server.
323 The specified news server does not appear to be a valid server name, do you want to use it anyway?
324 The specified POP3 server does not appear to be a valid server name, do you want to use it anyway?
325 The specified SMTP server does not appear to be a valid server name, do you want to use it anyway?
326 The specified IMAP server does not appear to be a valid server name, do you want to use it anyway?
327 Do you want to use it anyway?
328 E-mail cannot be sent without this information.
329 E-mail cannot be received without this information.
330 Please enter a valid e-mail address.
331 Please enter a valid news server.
332 News cannot be read or posted without this information.
333 Please enter your account name.
334 %d Seconds
335 1 Minute
336 %d Minutes
337 You did not provide a user name, although you indicated that one is required by your server. Do you want to specify a user name now?
338 Please enter a valid Account Name. It cannot be empty or contain a backslash ('\').
339 Please enter a port number greater than zero.
340 The specified e-mail address does not appear to be valid, do you want to use it anyway?
341 Please enter a valid Reply To email address in the format joe@microsoft.
342 POP3
343 IMAP
344 &Incoming Mail (POP3):
345 &Incoming Mail (IMAP):
346 Delivery
347 Folders
348 Please enter a removal time between 1 and 100 days.
349 Negotiating secure connection with '%s'.
350 The server has refused the connection.
351 The IMAP server has issued an unrecognized greeting.
352 An error has occured while attempting to send an IMAP command.
353 The server did not accept our CAPABILITY command.
354 An error has occured while connecting to the server.
355 Please enter a size to break messages between 16 and 16,000 KB.
356 There was insufficient memory to perform a task.
357 The UID of a message changed unexpectedly. This typically indicates a server bug. Your program may not function properly after this.
358 Your server has reported a UID which does not comply with the IMAP standard. This typically indicates a server bug. Your program may not function properly after this.
359 Your IMAP server has closed the connection. This may occur if you have left the connection idle for too long.
360 This IMAP command could not be sent to the server before the connection was terminated.
361 The server did not respond to this IMAP command before the connection was terminated.
362 The server has rejected your login. Please verify that your user name and password are correct.
363 Your server has unexpectedly terminated the connection. Possible causes for this include improper server configuration, a server bug, or a long period of inactivity.
364 The host '%s' could not be found. Please verify that you have entered the server name correctly.